Dry Mouth During Menopause: A Patient’s Guide

Between the hot flashes, dry skin, and changes in physique that come with menopause, the last thing you want is another symptom to worry about. However, it is certainly worth your while to be aware of dry mouth during menopause and how to deal with it. Here's what you need to know: Why is dry mouth during menopause such a concern? Dry mouth is not just a minor annoyance you can sweep under the carpet and try to ignore. Read More 

Reasons Why Implants Are Preferred Over Dentures

If you are missing several teeth, you most likely want to take steps in having the gaps filled so you can enjoy a healthy smile once again. You will need to decide whether to have a set of dentures constructed or a surgery to have implants placed in your mouth. While each method will eliminate the empty pockets between your real teeth, having implants placed holds a few more benefits overall. Read More 

Determining Which Type Of Veneers To Invest In

Thanks to makeover television shows and celebrity magazines, most consumers are familiar with the effect a set of veneers can have on an individual's appearance. What consumers don't realize is that there are actually several types of veneers available on the dental market today. If you are thinking of investing in veneers in the near future, it can be beneficial to understand the types of veneers available to you. Here are three dental situations where veneers can provide a viable solution, and the best type of veneers to address each unique dental problem. Read More 

Oral Health Care: 4 Tips For Healthier, Bleeding-Free Gums

One of the more common, but unpleasant, experiences people deal with in their mouth is bleeding. Sometimes, the gums bleed seemingly randomly; however, that's usually not the case. If your gums are bleeding, try using these four tips to stop it: 1. Brush Properly If your gums are bleeding, you should make sure you are brushing properly. Brushing too hard or with a brush that is too hard might be causing the bleeding. Read More 

3 Ways To Change Your Diet & Improve Your Dental Health

In order to have healthy teeth, you have to do more than brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss on a regular basis. You also need to make sure that you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Here are three ways you can change your diet and improve your dental health at the same time.  Increase Your Calcium Intake Read More