How to Help Increase Comfort at the Dentist for Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

If your child has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chances are the joints in their jaw are affected. This can create stiffness, soreness, swelling, and pain, making trips to the dentist something your child may dread. However, maintaining your child's oral hygiene during their developing years is extremely important. Try following these tips to help increase your child's comfort when they go to the dentist. Oral Painkillers If your child has a dentist appointment coming up, plan in advance to keep their pain under control. Read More 

3 Situations Where You Might Want To Consider Getting Dental Extractions

Generally speaking, people only get tooth extractions when they have one or more teeth that have decayed so badly that no other option is either available or worth the trouble. In other situations, tooth extraction might be the best choice if an individual doesn't want to pay for a costly root canal or other procedure. Here are three specific scenarios where it might be better to just pull the tooth out so you can move on with your life without worry. Read More 

Three Reasons Why Your Dentist Would Suggest A Tongue Tie Frenectomy

Being "tongue-tied" means that you literally have a thick and/or short band of tissue that ties your tongue to one spot and keeps your tongue from moving around in your mouth. If you cannot open your mouth and lift your tongue easily, you are tongue-tied. If your dentist was the first one to notice this fact and suggests that you get a frenectomy, you may be wondering why your dentist is concerned. Read More 

Dealing With Ankylosis In One Of Your Child’s Teeth

Ankylosis is a relatively rare dental condition that occurs when a tooth fuses to its surrounding jawbone through the gum tissue instead of erupting normally. The tooth is typically anchored to your jaw by bone and acts similarly to a dental implant. Unlike a dental implant, however, ankylosis in a child's primary teeth can cause significant cosmetic and structural damage to the permanent teeth behind and around it, and it can be difficult to catch before extensive corrections are needed. Read More 

First Set Of Dentures? 3 Steps To Keep Your Dentures Clean And Your Mouth Healthy

If you've just recently begun wearing dentures, you might not be familiar with the best way to prevent future oral health problems. Dentures are a safe and effective way to replace your natural teeth, but they're still going to need to be taken care of properly. Without proper care, your dentures may develop foul odors and can harbor germs and bacteria that can lead to oral infections. Here are three simple steps to care for your dentures and protect your mouth. Read More